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Building a simple Remote System Monitor
- Authors
- Name
- Owbird
- @_owbird_
As a developer, you'd often find yourself opening the system monitor to see how the system is managing processes. In my case, I had a separate physical device running heavy processes (my mini server because I can't afford AWS -_-) and needed to constantly check on it. Being experimental and curious, I tried building a simple system monitor that could be remotely accessed without having to set up industry-standard monitoring tools.
By simple I mean dead simple, it needs to be able to:
- Read the resources I check on i.e CPU and RAM usage
- Be accessed remotely
Dead simple. No kidding.
The stack
- Nextjs with Typescript for the fancy web UI
- Go (Go lang) for the CLI
- LocalTunnel to expose it on the internet
The plan
The frontend
- Fetch the config
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const res = await fetch(`http://localhost:8080/config`, {
cache: "no-cache",
const config = (await res.json()) as ServerConfig;
}, []);
The config contains the server's name and the interval, how long until it refreshes.
- Now that we have the config, we need to fetch the initial data and keep re-fetching after each interval we got from the config
const getData = async () => {
const res = await fetch(`http://localhost:8080`);
const data = await res.json();
useEffect(() => {
const ms = parseInt(interval) * 1000;
const intervalFn = setInterval(() => getData(), ms);
return () => clearInterval(intervalFn);
}, []);
The data returns the following
interface MonitorData {
filesystems: Filesystem[];
processes: Process[];
resources: Resources;
interface Filesystem {
path: string;
disk_type: string;
device: string;
total: number;
free: number;
used: number;
used_percentage: number;
interface Process {
name: string;
username: string;
pid: number;
memory_usage: number;
cpu_usage: number;
interface Resources {
local_ip: string;
uptime: Uptime;
battery_stats: BatteryStats;
memory_stats: MemoryStats;
cpu_stats: CpuStats;
user_meta: UserMeta;
interface Uptime {
days: number;
hours: number;
minutes: number;
interface BatteryStats {
charging_state: string;
current_power: number;
interface MemoryStats {
total: number;
used: number;
free: number;
used_percentage: number;
interface CpuStats {
model: string;
cores: number;
usages: number[];
interface UserMeta {
name: string;
We need to ship the UI together with final binary, luckily, Go makes it simple (as it does with all others)
//go:embed all:frontend/out
var assets embed.FS
Now when the program runs, we have access to files we can extract to host
if err := fs.WalkDir(assets, ".", func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
outPath := filepath.Join(tempDir, path)
if d.IsDir() {
return os.MkdirAll(outPath, 0755)
data, err := assets.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
return os.WriteFile(outPath, data, 0644)
}); err != nil {
Let’s serve it up locally using, well, serve at the location of the web files.
cmd := exec.Command("npx", "--yes", "serve", "-s", fmt.Sprintf("%v/frontend/out", currentDir))
We listen to status updates from the serve program at an interval of 5 seconds.
If its ready, fire up Localtunnel and listen on the running local port, 3000
for range time.Tick(time.Second * 5) {
if strings.Contains(stdBuffer.String(), "Accepting") {
log.Println("Getting tunnel url")
cmd := exec.Command("npx", "--yes", "localtunnel", "--port", "3000")
go cmd.Run()
Now we can get our data using Gopsutil and battery. We import them.
import (
Getting the system resources
func (m *Monitor) GetSystemResources() (data.SystemResources, error) {
stats := data.SystemResources{}
memoryStats, err := mem.VirtualMemory()
if err != nil {
return stats, err
cpuInfo, err := cpu.Info()
if err != nil {
return stats, err
cpuUsages, err := cpu.Percent(0, true)
if err != nil {
return stats, err
upTime, err := utils.GetUptime()
if err != nil {
upTime = data.UpTime{}
} else {
stats.UpTime = upTime
stats.MemoryStats.Total = memoryStats.Total
stats.MemoryStats.Free = memoryStats.Free
stats.MemoryStats.Used = memoryStats.Used
stats.MemoryStats.UsedPercentage = memoryStats.UsedPercent
stats.CPUStats = data.CPUStats{
Model: cpuInfo[0].ModelName,
Cores: len(cpuInfo),
Usages: cpuUsages,
batteries, err := battery.GetAll()
if err != nil {
stats.BatteryStats.CurrentPower = 0
stats.BatteryStats.ChargingState = "Unknown"
} else if len(batteries) > 0 {
batteryStats := batteries[0]
stats.BatteryStats.CurrentPower = int(math.Round(batteryStats.Current / batteryStats.Full * 100))
stats.BatteryStats.ChargingState = batteryStats.State.String()
} else {
stats.BatteryStats.CurrentPower = 100
stats.BatteryStats.ChargingState = "Full"
ip, err := utils.GetLocalIp()
if err != nil {
return stats, err
stats.LocalIP = ip
return stats, nil
Getting system processes
func (m *Monitor) GetSystemProcesses() ([]data.Process, error) {
stats := []data.Process{}
allProcesses, err := process.Processes()
if err != nil {
return stats, err
for _, currentProcess := range allProcesses {
name, _ := currentProcess.Name()
cpuUsage, _ := currentProcess.CPUPercent()
memory_usage, _ := currentProcess.MemoryPercent()
username, _ := currentProcess.Username()
pid := currentProcess.Pid
process := data.Process{
Name: name,
CPUUsage: cpuUsage,
MemoryUsage: float64(memory_usage),
Pid: pid,
Username: username,
stats = append(stats, process)
return stats, nil
}func (m *Monitor) GetSystemProcesses() ([]data.Process, error) {
stats := []data.Process{}
allProcesses, err := process.Processes()
if err != nil {
return stats, err
for _, currentProcess := range allProcesses {
name, _ := currentProcess.Name()
cpuUsage, _ := currentProcess.CPUPercent()
memory_usage, _ := currentProcess.MemoryPercent()
username, _ := currentProcess.Username()
pid := currentProcess.Pid
process := data.Process{
Name: name,
CPUUsage: cpuUsage,
MemoryUsage: float64(memory_usage),
Pid: pid,
Username: username,
stats = append(stats, process)
return stats, nil
Getting filesystems
func (m *Monitor) GetFileSystems() ([]data.DiskStats, error) {
stats := []data.DiskStats{}
diskPartitions, err := disk.Partitions(false)
if err != nil {
return []data.DiskStats{}, err
for _, diskPartition := range diskPartitions {
if !strings.Contains(diskPartition.Device, "loop") {
diskStats, _ := disk.Usage(diskPartition.Mountpoint)
stats = append(stats, data.DiskStats{
Path: "/",
DiskType: diskStats.Fstype,
Device: diskPartition.Device,
Total: diskStats.Total,
Free: diskStats.Free,
Used: diskStats.Used,
UsedPercentage: diskStats.UsedPercent,
return stats, nil
Putting all together using the Go HTTP router
func (s *Server) getStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
resources, err := s.Monitor.GetSystemResources()
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to System stats", http.StatusInternalServerError)
processes, err := s.Monitor.GetSystemProcesses()
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to System stats", http.StatusInternalServerError)
fileSystems, err := s.Monitor.GetFileSystems()
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to System stats", http.StatusInternalServerError)
json, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"resources": resources,
"processes": processes,
"filesystems": fileSystems,
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to System stats", http.StatusInternalServerError)
That’s all folks! A very simple Remote System Monitor (ReSysTor).